Since I can't take my power nap at this moment, lemme just write.
The feeling that you're talking but you know that no one is listening yet they know what's on your mind is a relief already. Your opening up to someone you don't see face to face. 

I wanted to close my eyes and travel in my dream 'cause I don't want to think of anything that keeps on disturbing me. Sleep, for me, is the only way I can escape the reality. I can dream and think of the impossible things that can't happen. And for a while, I will free from those sadness lingering deep down my thoughts. Yes, inside me. Sadly.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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