What is Humility?

HUMILITY is a quality or characteristic ascribed to a person who is considered to be humble. Humility is derived from the Latin word "humilis", which means low, humble, from earth. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest.

Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself. -Blaise Pascal
Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. -C.S Lewis

"Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. -Proverbs 27:2

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Thoughts again...

This morning, Naiz tweeted something. The conversation goes like this:

Naiz: Don't let him have the satisfaction of knowing you'll always be there waiting.
Me: Why not?
Naiz: Because he will take you for granted and you'll end up getting hurt. Deym

She has a good point on that, but what if the person made you feel so special and even asked you to stay and (you think) both of you feels the same feelings? What will you do then? 

Ugh. Frustration overload. 

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Devotion 120222 Stop being a 'spiritual slacker'

‎"Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." -James 4:17 (NLT)

When we know what God wants us to do, but then we refuse to obey, we’re ignoring the voice of the Lord, and sinfully choosing our way. -Sper

We may make excuses for not obeying God, but He still calls it disobedience. 

OBEDIENCE is the highest form of LOVE.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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