
This week is going to be tough for me. I can feel the burden of the upcoming days. Next week is our Youth Camp, I MUST PREPARE MYSELF physically, mentally and spiritually. I am not yet starting done with the task given to me for that 3-day event but I need to make it possible not just for myself but for those delegates who’ll come with us.
We are lacking of preparation, tbh. Programs ain’t polish yet even financial. Speaking of finances, we are still praying for that. But I know God has something in stored for the whole team, we just have to pray and do it with faith. 
This is the 3rd Youth Camp that I am joining in, and it left me a big responsibility to shoulder. Lord, I know you have a plan for this. I pray that you’ll use me mightily for Your glory alone. I need to focus and give the best of everything.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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