A souvenir of friendship :)

You see that panda? I remembrance from a good friend of mine (good nga ba? Lols.) Kidding! Love you, friend! She gave it to me last Monday. The reason for having a panda is because she can't think of anything to give to me, she thinks I'm not kikay or something so there. But I like this small memorabilia from her, many wants to have this but, naaahhhh! I will not give it to 'em. Lols. And now, it's currently hanging on my phone. :) 

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Anonymous said...

eeehhh!! kilig! =) Thank you! If only I can reblog this! hehehe

lancee said...

sweet! :))

Gazelle said...

HAHAHA!! Para kayong mga sira dyan.Ako din biglang kinilig sa sinabi ko. 'Can I marry myself?'

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