
I know this entry is so ages late, but lemme do it.

God gave me another year to celebrate. Another year, another chapter with these people. Surprises, hugs, and love.

A long week celebration of my twen-TEEN-fourth birthday (March 16-24). 
Chocolate Kiss (March 16)
Church (March 18)
At work and home (March 19 and 23-24)
Chili's restaurant (March 23)

Me and the girls arranged a date to had dinner in a restaurant somewhere in UP Diliman. We really wanted to try that place, and Chocolate Kiss is really a nice. Didn't expect it'll be my advance celebration with them 'cause we can't meet on the exact date of my birthday. It was really surprising and they even bought the restaurant's special cake --devil's cake--- and they sang a birthday song that made some of the guests there to stare at us. Lol.

On the exact date of my birthday, while I'm having my last morning class, my officemate called me and said that someone's looking for me. I was puzzled, thinking who might go in and look for me because I'm not expecting any one. I stand up and checked (though I'm still talking to my student), I saw a guy holding a bouquet of flowers and I was like, "WHO IS HE?". I really wanted to end my class as soon as possible to check it, but when I finished my class, my friend was the one who brought it to me. Of course, stunned and wondering  who will send me flowers? After a few minutes, I realized something... Prolly, Zhai and Selyn. XD And I was right!! Thanks girls. I love you! I called them immediately after I finished my lunch. It was really surprising.

On the 23rd of March, the day I officially celebrated my birthday with my family and friends. My traditional birthday blast with some of the people I love though time won't let me celebrate it at the exact day, and some people didn't make it that night but still full of blessings and love. JM came the next morning (Saturday). Had our never ending favorite PINOY HENYO competition. Thank you Lord! 

Carbo loaded ^^

Italian food all the way with my co-workers. Fun thrilling food adventure if I may say. :D We just wanna spend some time together so we decided to eat somewhere. We went through a lot of stores until we ended at Papa John's Pizza at Greenbelt 3, since I'm a huge fan of pizza so I agreed, too. 

The place was not that big but enough for them to entertain their guests. We went through a lot of discussion on what to order until we finalized it and decided to order a 15" Chicken Bacon Pizza (which I didn't imagine that it was sooooo big. XD), then we had our individual orders afterwards. A salad, Buffalo wings (sorry, wasn't able to take a shot of that), bread sticks, Carbonara and Arabiata Penne. We ate until our stomachs can't contained it at all. Lols. 

I will definitely try this again.

It takes time

I want to fly,
I want to cry,
But I don't want to try.
I'm afraid, I don't know why.
Things are not normal, 
Things are not the same,
I feel numb,
That's what I wish I am.
Silence for a while,
My mind is filled with sighs.
I know I can survive,
Patience, it takes time.

Posting it here 'cause it makes me remember my first ever written poem during my university time. An entry which is compulsory for us to do for our Literature class. I guess, I should thank my professor for letting us do it because it's sort of a memorabilia for me and my writing skill. Lols. 

Don't ask why I have this theme for my entry. :D 

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Unplanned summer getaway (a late entry)

Summer is really here. Beach is one of the favorite destination of the many, whether for a tourist or for a local person. It includes travelling and adventure as well.  Just wanna share our (unexpected) beach trip somewhere in Nasugbu, Batangas. The place was not crowded because we're the only group of people who went there. It's a quiet and relaxing area, though. 

We went there at Sunday night after the church's night service, then went back to Manila the next afternoon. The trip was fun and we although some of us were pretty tired (you really can determine it, seriously!), but still we made the most out of our day. 

As we ended our (early) morning swimming, fixed ourselves and ate our breakfast, we went back to the seashore to walk around, but we failed because of too much heat, I took a snap shot of the beach and here's what I've got (the photo below), a perfect view of the sea and seems that the clouds were in the mood to made a beautiful scenario in front of my camera.
the beach
Had tons of photos from Faye's camera, too. Well, those were our silly shots. Hahaha!! We played, took videos and everything. Talk to some people who reside near the sea and all. 

After Batangas, we drove through Tagaytay. We went to Colossians Garden to take a look at our camp site for the upcoming Youth Summer Camp. The weather was nice so I had this one: 

Pretty, isn't it?

Decisions and Choices

Have you been in a situation where in you wanted to make a certain action yet you choose to be quiet? Sometimes, we lack courage --courage, that will unveil the truth-- to face what lies ahead of us. But then we still tried our best to escape from the things which we are fully aware, however, we don't want to admit it to ourselves. 

Facing this matter is hard for someone who doesn't want to cause trouble to other people so you just sit back there in the corner being ignored and wait. Wait until you're tired although you wanted to stop, but remind yourself that it's your choice so you don't have to regret the outcome of your decision. You decide to just stop and yet again, you can see own image insisting the other. 

Now, you're thinking again, listening to that small voice from the back of your head, "Is it worth waiting for or am I just imagining it?, or even this, "You're too dumb!". More often than not, you're just keeping it to yourself. Not insisting any random thoughts can make you feel worst.

Nevertheless, we make our choices and decisions. You just have to gather all the guts you have to survive the aftermath.   

Choosing not to decide is already a decision.

Do it and wait or regret it because you didn't even take the opportunity to learn something out from that experience? 

It's your choice, but be careful. Decide for the best.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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