Decisions and Choices

Have you been in a situation where in you wanted to make a certain action yet you choose to be quiet? Sometimes, we lack courage --courage, that will unveil the truth-- to face what lies ahead of us. But then we still tried our best to escape from the things which we are fully aware, however, we don't want to admit it to ourselves. 

Facing this matter is hard for someone who doesn't want to cause trouble to other people so you just sit back there in the corner being ignored and wait. Wait until you're tired although you wanted to stop, but remind yourself that it's your choice so you don't have to regret the outcome of your decision. You decide to just stop and yet again, you can see own image insisting the other. 

Now, you're thinking again, listening to that small voice from the back of your head, "Is it worth waiting for or am I just imagining it?, or even this, "You're too dumb!". More often than not, you're just keeping it to yourself. Not insisting any random thoughts can make you feel worst.

Nevertheless, we make our choices and decisions. You just have to gather all the guts you have to survive the aftermath.   

Choosing not to decide is already a decision.

Do it and wait or regret it because you didn't even take the opportunity to learn something out from that experience? 

It's your choice, but be careful. Decide for the best.

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