Unplanned summer getaway (a late entry)

Summer is really here. Beach is one of the favorite destination of the many, whether for a tourist or for a local person. It includes travelling and adventure as well.  Just wanna share our (unexpected) beach trip somewhere in Nasugbu, Batangas. The place was not crowded because we're the only group of people who went there. It's a quiet and relaxing area, though. 

We went there at Sunday night after the church's night service, then went back to Manila the next afternoon. The trip was fun and we although some of us were pretty tired (you really can determine it, seriously!), but still we made the most out of our day. 

As we ended our (early) morning swimming, fixed ourselves and ate our breakfast, we went back to the seashore to walk around, but we failed because of too much heat, I took a snap shot of the beach and here's what I've got (the photo below), a perfect view of the sea and seems that the clouds were in the mood to made a beautiful scenario in front of my camera.
the beach
Had tons of photos from Faye's camera, too. Well, those were our silly shots. Hahaha!! We played, took videos and everything. Talk to some people who reside near the sea and all. 

After Batangas, we drove through Tagaytay. We went to Colossians Garden to take a look at our camp site for the upcoming Youth Summer Camp. The weather was nice so I had this one: 

Pretty, isn't it?

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