Carbo loaded ^^

Italian food all the way with my co-workers. Fun thrilling food adventure if I may say. :D We just wanna spend some time together so we decided to eat somewhere. We went through a lot of stores until we ended at Papa John's Pizza at Greenbelt 3, since I'm a huge fan of pizza so I agreed, too. 

The place was not that big but enough for them to entertain their guests. We went through a lot of discussion on what to order until we finalized it and decided to order a 15" Chicken Bacon Pizza (which I didn't imagine that it was sooooo big. XD), then we had our individual orders afterwards. A salad, Buffalo wings (sorry, wasn't able to take a shot of that), bread sticks, Carbonara and Arabiata Penne. We ate until our stomachs can't contained it at all. Lols. 

I will definitely try this again.

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