Lesson learned

Rainy morning!

Striking ang mga words this morning. 

Now I really have to fix this attitude of mine when it comes to talking or speaking. Sometimes I don't think. Most of the time, I just express my feelings. Epic fail. 

Next time, I won't speak or say something or better yet change the topic. It's much safer than the usual. 
I'll choose to be quiet and and discreet, if ever.

This is so true. 
"Discretion of speech is better than eloquence with words."

"The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered." -Proverbs 17:27

My next entry is about the recent 3-day Youth Camp in Tagaytay. 
Sorry for the delay photos ain't posted yet. 

Another fail, I know.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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