Morning Devotion 120213
I had my little solitude time this morning. Though I don't have my Bible with me, but thanks to technology 'cause I can surf internet and browse the <a href="">Our Daily Bread</a> website every morning. I started doing this for like maybe, last week. Reading verses helps me back on my feet and grew more spiritually. It sometimes (or often times bring me to tears just to realize how good is God in my life. These words make me walk on my path with faith and love. It helps me a lot as I start again the things I've lost for quite some time now. I've been loving the (Music) ministry where I belong, and I'll be forever grateful for that.
I want to share the verse I had today in Isaiah 55:9, the Lord says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways." When we pray, we often wanted to have a fast and quick response from God. But we have to remember that God has His own time and way to answer us. And sometimes we got unanswered prayers. Well of course, all of us does, right? Just like Paul when he had his great struggle --the time that he was rejected by the Jews--that led his acceptance by the Gentiles. We just have to understand God's heart in the situation.
Whatever prayer we have in our hearts, let's hold on to what God is instore for us. Unanswered prayer brings us the profound difference between our perspective and God's.
"Prayer imparts the power to walk and not faint." -Chambers
My prayer this morning, "Lord, have Your way in us. Amen!"
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