Incoherent mind is incoherent

Incoherent. A little. 

Wasn't really expecting to see that but it hurts.
I'm such a fail. 
But anyways, I'm just starting and I know I can cope up with this thing ASAP

My heart is beating so loud and i'm getting goosebumps (maybe just because of the cold wind)
I will not loose this battle.
All I have to do is change the way I should treat that person. That's it.
I'll wait until the day it's clear.

Spare me, please.

A sudden shock wave hit me without warning.

Okay, this is nonsense.
I should stop now.

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    Pastor's kid. Music is my passion, writing is my insanity. When time and space find me, you can see me and read my mind. Philosophy and thoughts will collide to fill me again. A servant and a leader in a form of an educator. Blogger and a music admirer. Belongs to 88-line. A seasonal critic. Politics isn't really my field but I can deal with it.



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